
Types of Sponsorships

Sponsors - whether of a song, the program, a performance, a season or more - provide the kind of
support that ticket sales alone can't do. Quite literally - you make it possible for us to do what we do!

Below are some of the most common ways to support RIGMC.

Sponsor A Song For Upcoming Concerts!

For $100, you can purchase a song sponsorship that supports the chorus.

Included with your song sponsorship is the option to include a message in the program booklet. This can be a message of support for a chorus member who is a family member or dear friend; it can be a message of support for the entire chorus; it can even be anonymous, if you’d prefer to provide your support behind the scenes.

For a list of available song titles, contact the Artistic Director at: [email protected]

Kim will help you decide which of the available songs might be best for your needs. It’s a super-easy way to support the RIGMC and offer a personalized message in the program book!


Advertise In Our Program Book

Support the RIGMC and connect with our community of dedicated musicians, music

lovers, family, and friends.

Ad copy must be camera ready and sized according to the dimensions above.

  1. 1. Fill out and submit the form below.

2. Send your ad design by Thursday, May 1, 2025 to: [email protected]

3. Once approved, you will be emailed instructions about how to pay for your purchase.

Sponsor At A Deeper Level

There are so many ways you can support RIGMC and the work we do to strengthen our communities.

Sponsoring a song or getting an ad in the program are just a couple of ways.

You can also sponsor a season or a special performance, connect us with a restaurant that will partner with us for Dining For A Cause, contribute to the general running of the organization, sponsor part or all of our performance costs for going to GALA, or any of a myriad of other ways.

If you are open to deepening your relationship with RIGMC through a sponsorship opportunity, we'd love to explore how this could work. Simply let us know what you're thinking and how you see we could work together by filling out the form below or reaching out to us at: [email protected]

Interested In Donating?

Every donation furthers the mission of RIGMC and helps the Chorus so we can continue bringing music
at concerts, performances, to support other groups and at private events.
You can submit a donation of any size but simply clicking below.

RIGMC is a gathering of individuals who, united through diversity, fellowship, and song,
strives to make a difference in the lives of our singers and our audience.

© 2025 RIGMC - All Rights Reserved